Merely a month into the new year and we have already thrown ourselves into a very busy and exciting year. 2019 brings new opportunities for communicating our news and efforts, and we are glad to present to you the first edition of our refreshed and redesigned Unplugged. From now on you will receive this publication directly to your inbox, making it even easier for you to keep up to date.
We finished 2018 ahead in terms of volume collection, and we are tracking well to achieve our targets and regulatory requirements by the end of FY19. We thank all of our Collection Partners for diligently providing us with good quality in-scope materials and helping us run a successful and environmentally responsible e-waste recycling program.
2019 is shaping up to be huge – Victoria’s e-waste ban comes into effect 1 July, and residents, businesses and councils are eagerly curious to know how the ban will play out. As other Asian nations begin to follow China’s lead and limit or ban waste imports, it’s more important than ever for countries like Australia to gear up for change. We hope to be at the forefront of this change, having recently announced that early this year construction will begin on our e-waste plastic microfactory in Somerton Victoria, in partnership with TES and the University of New South Wales SMaRT Centre.
On behalf of my dedicated team, we look forward to working with you in the year ahead and hope that 2019 brings success and positive progression for your organisation.
Stay safe,
Warren Overton, CEO